Public Domain Images of Paul Morphy
The images on this page are in the public domain. You are welcome to use them freely.

These images were scanned-in from a nearly pristine copy of the 1888 article Chess in America by Henry Sedley:
from Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Volume 76, Issue 454, March 1888.

The full-size image from which these smaller images were taken may be seen here.

For more information on Paul Morphy, please visit the outstanding biographical site Also, a nearly-complete collection of the Chess games of Paul Morphy as well as a user-friendly bulletin board devoted to discussions of his contributions to the history of Chess will be found at the site titled The chess games of Paul Morphy. Messages spanning multiple years can be read directly: simply scroll down to the bottom region of the page. To post messages, quick, easy, and (truly) free registration is required. NOTE: the Chess games presented here can be "played through" very easily by means of an excellent click-and-move interface. No registration is required to use this powerful tool.

Please note, this site is not affiliated with the sites mentioned above in any official capacity.

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